Crazy On Tap - Weight Training for confidence building
Crazy On Tap - Weight Training for confidence building: "Social niche selection begins in adolescence. Is she going to be the smart one? The pretty one? The polite one? The wild one? The jockette? The nurturing one? The arty one? The socialite? etc. Each of these has its advantages and drawbacks. Yet deciding as early as possible has its advantage too - it reduces analysis paralysis and the cost of keeping your options open.
That's the plan for most people. Polymaths can delay a few extra years. Geniuses into their middle age. But most folks look around (not-consciously, of course) and see where their resources are best spent and focus and specialize (thanks, Adam Smith). Focus is everything, motivaional speakers tell us. Imagine if our brains do it without asking us for permission.
Basically just restating sharkfish's 'Body confidence and nerd confidence are very different things.'
If she get all her confidence from her body at age 12, she will depend on her body for her confidence when she's grown up, too. That can be tricky."