contract faq
1099 FAQ:
- hourly rate = current annual pay/1000
- don't do firm fixed price
- do have a fixed set of requirements in place before signing anything
- specify up front what hours you will answer the phone/SLA on email
- outside those hours, DO NOT ANSWER THE PHONE.
- as much as possible, do not let the client specify implementation. That's your job
- charge for documentation
- retain rights to the code you write, if you can
- specify passing through charges on unique tools (for example if you need a server pdf library)
- contract programmers work where they choose, or else they're employees
Make sure the client understands that you expect prompt payment, that
work will cease without payment and that you are prepared to sue if not
Do not hand over source until paid.
Some clients are past masters at delay. Beware the "suddenly
discovered unacceptable flaw" that hinders payment while the client
carries on using the system. You'll never be able to fix it to their
satisfaction. Sue.
Of course this presupposes that you deliver systems that work in accordance with agreed WRITTEN specs.
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