Sunday, November 19, 2006

the shift from private concerns to public concerns was a _very_ good thing for society

I guess I'm worried that this shift is a mirage of our 20-20 hindsight. We judge what is private/public by our current moral perspective. We judge those generations past by the same standard, so they look off one way (Prohibition, hemline length) or the other (lack of sex-offender websites, no pollution emission standards).

Perhaps the slow rachet of technology has enabled more power to individuals. Plebes didn't own an elephant in Caesar's time. Today, they drive Hummers.

Yet I believe that the same rachet of technology has enabled the group to increase its power as well (radio propoganda for the 30's Fascists, Cerebus for the 21st century ones, etc).

Individual vs. group arms race. Are we standing still?

the fact that we now rely on the government to punish wrong doers for instance is responsible for a huge amount of good

I was just thinking about that today (watching damn Desperate Housewives). How 'police' is a product of specialization. It's a fairly new occupation. Victorian provenance - Poe's Murder on the Rue Morgue was (one of) the first detective story because detectives were new - the notion that gathering evidence and judging it should be seperate jobs was possible only in countries rich enough to hire a police department. Subsequently, district attorneys, defense ones, forensic labs, etc (what specialties of justice will there be in 100 years).

the governments role is to balance out those competing ideas,

Yes. Ying-yang. To balance out the individual and group competing against each other.

But the environment keeps changing and the balance is never perfect. Which is good in that it keeps Law Order writers employed.

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